Sharing a bowl with Pooh

by Jody Harrison

Photo on 2014-01-07 at 09.16 I picked up my bowl earlier this week. It was a gift and tender to carry away to my home. It was exciting to sit with the bowl and eat something special from it. The bowl was infused with story already, even though she be young into the year of bowl stories. I purchased my food locally and made my way home to prepare it. The bowl had Winnie the Pooh pressed into her. I costumed for Winnie the Pooh at the Whidbey Children’s Theater a couple of years ago. Seeing the ole’ Bear again made me smile. Apropo, me thinks.

Photo on 2014-01-07 at 14.46Holding the bowl to me, thanking her for the time together and to the Community I am among, sending you all the comfort and joy I felt during this time; I filled her with only good things. Eating slowly like I’ve done on mindfulness retreat, savoring the figs, pear and sauteed vegetables.

The Dogs sat by me while I ate. They are the same color as the bowl. Filling the bowl with their treats, Bucky and Glory both got to share in the gift of story as well….very sweet. The last food I ate from her were snacks. Wasabi peas, figs, Castleveni olives and spinach crackers. I returned the bowl this afternoon late in the day. It was a cold, blue skied, Mountains out, Whidbey day. Thank you ‘Winnie’ Bowl, t’was good to spend such delicious time with you. I will think of you as you make your way among my community. Knowing you will continue to bless each individual.

Photo on 2014-01-07 at 14.48Love and light.

Photo on 2014-01-07 at 14.40 Photo on 2014-01-07 at 14.28



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